Rice paddies in Ubud, Bali
Bali Indonesia Asia

“The Antiques Shop”

A Day of Respite and Walk Through Ubud in Bali, Indonesia by Adam Ghazzawi:

Our group was eight days in to our two-week trip through Bali. We’d all grown a bit weary from a packed itinerary and each needed a day to refuel before an ambitious sunrise hike up Mt. Batur the next morning. Staying in a villa on the outskirts of Ubud, I awoke just before sunrise to the sound of the local Hindu temple’s morning call to prayer. If I were to go on a run at any point on the trip and avoid the island’s brutal heat and humidity, this would be the morning. I jogged past rice paddies and small shrines. Through streets with larger temples and neighboring warungs still closed for business. I watched locals lay out their daily offerings and pray as they started their days. A run through the sleepy countryside was exactly what I needed to regroup before our second leg of the trip.

Window views
Fields in Ubud, Bali

My slow morning rolled into a relaxed afternoon filled with more of my favorite memories from the trip. The town was celebrating Saraswati, a day dedicated to the goddess of knowledge. Large groups of children gathered in different locations around town, placed offerings on books, and sang and danced together. A small group of us walked along the Campuhan Ridge, a popular trail perched above two rivers, running through lush vistas of rice fields and dense jungle. Stopping for water breaks and to take pictures along the route, we slowly found our way into town.

Eventually we stumbled into a three-floored antiques shop, crowded yet carefully curated with beautiful pieces from all over Indonesia. An enthusiastic woman welcomed us, eager to share stories of each item we picked up, with us just as eager to listen to her talk through her treasures. Her knowledge and passion for her work was so sincere, and we were lucky enough to share her space for just an hour of our day. Feeling refreshed and energized, we left with a lunch recommendation, a few trinkets in hand, and stories of Indonesia’s rich history.

A Walk through Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Street-walking in Ubud

After perusing a few other boutiques, including a beautiful store that housed an all-linen clothing line, we stopped for lunch at Pulau Kelapa. Although the restaurant sits along a main road, its grounds are deceivingly deep and feature expansive gardens, a walking bridge over a running stream, and individual pavilions for groups to dine under. We shared small plates, fresh juices, and our meals were served in individual picnic baskets. It was here I enjoyed my favorite meal of the trip, feeling content to sit with friends, without plans rushing us to our next stop.

And for the rest of the afternoon we did much of the same. We strolled through town, stopping in the occasional shop to eye local goods and bargain with shop owners. An early night-in closed out a relaxing day, a much needed respite before our dreaded 3am alarms were set to wake us the following morning.

Jungle views in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia


Adam is my brother and de facto but also real best friend. He traveled to Bali in the spring of 2019 and was at times hosted by long-time pal Putri, whose family owns a home in Indonesia. I wasn’t on his trip but did receive a coveted antique from the shop at the center of his story. 

If you enjoyed reading about Adam’s walk through Ubud in Bali, Indonesia, you might also check out the following stories related to other nature walks:

One Comment

  1. If this was just one day, I can’t imagine how amazing the rest of the trip was. Great photos too!

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